June 25, 2024

Welcome to Ski House: How to Use Our Pizza Oven

Welcome to Ski House! We're excited to share a quick guide on using our pizza oven, ensuring you have the best experience possible.

Getting Started

1. Gather Your Supplies:

  • Hardwood: We provide clean-burning hardwood that lasts a long time.
  • Fire Starters & Lighters: Essential for getting the fire going.
  • Paper Sacks: Great fire starters, especially if you've been grocery shopping.

2. Setting Up the Fire:

  • Place a paper sack in the oven.
  • Add a couple of fire starters next to the wood on both sides.
  • Arrange the wood in a "T" style.

Heating the Oven

1. Building the Fire:

  • Light the fire and maintain it for about 3 hours, adding wood as needed.
  • Once the fire is well-established, move it to the back of the oven to create great coals.

2. Preparing the Surface:

  • Use a pizza peel to clear a space for your pizza.
  • Use a natural fiber brush dipped in water to clean the surface, but be cautious with water to avoid damaging the tiles.
  • Alternatively, use a metal brush that doesn’t require water.

Cooking Your Pizza

1. Checking the Temperature:

  • The oven should be between 700°F and 800°F. Use a heat thermometer to check.

2. Preparing the Door:

  • Keep the door wet by spraying it with water using the nearby hose. This helps regulate the temperature.

3. Cooking the Pizza:

  • Sprinkle cornmeal on the pizza peel for easy sliding.
  • Place the pizza in the oven and keep an eye on it. Move it around a few times for even cooking.

Pizza Recipe Tips

1. Classic Margherita Pizza:

  • Ingredients: Fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, basil leaves, olive oil, and a pinch of salt.
  • Tip: Use fresh, high-quality mozzarella and basil for the best flavor. Drizzle a bit of olive oil over the top before baking.

2. Pepperoni Pizza:

  • Ingredients: Tomato sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni slices.
  • Tip: For an extra crispy crust, pre-bake the dough for a few minutes before adding toppings.

3. Veggie Delight:

  • Ingredients: Bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, olives, mozzarella, tomato sauce.
  • Tip: Sauté the vegetables lightly before adding them to the pizza to enhance their flavors and prevent sogginess.

4. BBQ Chicken Pizza:

  • Ingredients: BBQ sauce, cooked chicken, red onions, cilantro, mozzarella.
  • Tip: Mix a bit of BBQ sauce with the chicken before spreading it on the pizza for a more intense BBQ flavor.

5. Four Cheese Pizza:

  • Ingredients: Mozzarella, parmesan, gorgonzola, and ricotta.
  • Tip: Sprinkle a little bit of dried oregano and garlic powder on top for an extra layer of flavor.

Cleaning the Oven

1. After Cooking:

  • Wait for the oven to cool off before cleaning.
  • Use a snow shovel and a brush to remove ashes, disposing of them in the garden area.

2. Final Touches:

  • Use construction-type paper towels to wipe off soot.
  • Dispose of used towels in the garbage.

Thank you for taking care of our pizza oven and enjoying a delicious pizza experience at Ski House!